Monday, October 21, 2019

Ten Ways to Become Your Teacher's Favorite Family

1. Get that kid to practice. Seriously, this will give you many many brownie points from your teacher.

2. Pay on time, the way they ask. If they ask for payment on the first of the month, you pay on the first of the month.

3. Let your child answer the questions the teacher asks them.

4. Understand that if you need to take a break from lessons, your teacher cannot always give you the same timeslot when you come back. Many teachers have waiting lists and will fill that spot instantly.

5. Respect the place where lessons happen. If lessons are in the teacher’s home or studio, don’t allow younger siblings to run around or make loud noise or messes. If lessons are held in your own home, make sure the designated room is clear of other children, is quiet, and free from TV distractions.

6. Respect the teacher’s makeup and missed lesson rule. If you are expected to pay for lesson time even if the student is absent, pay for their time. If they don’t offer makeup lessons, don’t ask for a makeup lesson.

7. Praise your teacher to your friends and family. Give them an online review if they have a web page or Facebook business page. When they feel that you appreciate them, they will go above and beyond for your family.

8. Respect their profession. Many people ignorantly assume that music teachers teach because it is fun and easy, that it is just for “fun money,” or that it isn’t a legitimate business or career.

9. Be on time: for lessons, for payments, for recitals, for forms to turn in.

10. Get your child to practice. Seriously.

Image by eommina from Pixabay 

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