Monday, October 28, 2019

Music Lessons and Baseball

So private lessons are basically the same as sports; Little League for example.

Music teacher : head coach
Parent : assistant coach
Baseball practice : practicing done at home during the week
Baseball game : Music lesson with your teacher

Your music teacher is your head coach. You listen, respect, and obey. They know what is going on, and their job is to help you learn how to be the best player you can be.

The parent is the assistant coach. They guide the team when the head coach cannot be there. Or, when mom or dad say it’s time to practice piano, the student goes and practices piano.

Practicing at home during the week is like the baseball practices you attend during the week. This is where music lessons are harder than sports. When you go to sports practice, the coach is there, guiding you and encouraging you. And you make sure you go to practice so that (1) you stay on the team, and (2) you will know what to do during the game. When you practice your instrument at home, your “head coach” (teacher) is not there, so practicing at home is a big part of the Assistant Coach’s job.

Students, your weekly lesson is The Game. This is where you bring your best and lay it out. You want to win, so you have prepared the best that you could so you can Win for your teacher.

Parents, would you sign your child up for Little League, soccer, Girls on the Run, flag football, or any other sport, and then never take them to practices?

Step into and embrace your role as “assistant coach.” Make sure your “baseball star” is prepared and ready when you take them to “The Game” each week with the “head coach.” Don’t let another week pass where you realize they didn’t practice.

That’s not how games are won; that’s not how music is learned.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” Colin Powell, former 4-Star US Army General, and former Secretary of State.

Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay

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