While we are in this pandemic, your child may or may not be taking lessons. Some teachers have dived into the world of teaching online (I am!) while some others are taking a complete break.
Here are some tips on keeping those hard-earned skills sharp, even if you are not currently taking lessons:
1- schedule time each day to have your student sit and play. Have them play their old songs they have already passed off, or have them make up their own music!
2- have a family Zoom recital, where anyone can perform anything they want! Readings, poetry, magic tricks, and your child's music would make a fun family-and-friends online event!
3- have your child teach you how to play their instrument. They would love being the teacher and know-it-all for once!
4- for those with mobile instruments, get some pieces ready and go perform from your front porch. Music can lift the spirits like nothing else.
5- Google "printable music games." There are so many fun options available!
Stay safe everyone! We teachers can't wait to teach your kids again when this is all over!
Being a Music Parent
Friday, April 3, 2020
Monday, December 16, 2019
Holiday Practice Tips
With the holidays right around the corner, it's a good idea to have a plan for practicing during that time. Here are 5 tips to help you with practicing over the holidays!
Have a Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy New Year!
1- Get practicing
done before noon. Otherwise, holiday parties, sledding, shopping, and
playing outside will take up the day and leave the student too tired
to practice!
2- Set an alarm on
your phone to help you remember, especially if practicing early is
out of the norm.
3- Plan to fit
practicing in on most days,
so start early on in the week.
Ask student to play for family or friends that come over, even
non-Christmas songs or old favorites.
If there will be 2+ weeks between lessons, make sure that practicing
happens the day after their lesson so the student remembers what to
do during their break.
Have a Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
How Involved Do You Really Need to Be?
There tends to be a
spectrum of involvement for parents of children taking private
lessons. There is not a “one-size-fits-all” spot on this
spectrum, but usually the more involved you are, the more success
your child will have in their lessons.
When I was a kid
taking lessons, I sometimes needed reminders to practice, but I
wanted to do the practicing myself. I didn’t want anyone sitting
with me helping me! But my daughter is the opposite. Even though she
has the ability to practice on her own, she prefers me to sit with
her to help her out. And I must say, it is nice to have one-on-one
time with her!
Since you know your
child best, you will find the best place on this spectrum for you.
Younger children (4-5+ years old) need a parent on the right of the
spectrum; with older children, you can start sliding left. However,
with any child of any age, don’t just assume that they will know to
practice without reminders. If they do just practice on their own
(#unicorn!) enjoy it!
As parents, we have
a lot going on. We don’t need one more thing to do. Building practicing into your routine, however, will help it become more
automatic and less stressful. I always thought I hated cooking. But
what I actually hated was trying to figure out what to cook at 4 or 5
p.m. and having no clean dishes to work with. Once I started meal
planning each week and setting out the meat to thaw each morning, I
found that cooking was much, much easier. I just had to rearrange my
routine and planning.
If you are having
trouble remembering to have your child practice, try setting an alarm
on your phone. I set mine to 7 p.m. If I haven’t had my daughter
practice by then, we go and do it at 7. Time enough to practice but
still get ready for bed in time.
In summary, find
your best place on the “parent involvement spectrum” and continue
building practicing into your routine. Your child (someday!) and your
teacher (now!) will thank you.
“Alone, we can do
so little; together, we can do so much.” Helen Keller
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Where Should Practicing Be in Your Priorities?
I remember being in
high school, when we were the oldest we’d ever been and the busiest
we’d ever been, and feeling “swamped” when we had more than one
test in one week! I remember fellow students complaining that every
teacher thought their class the most important, since they all
assigned such loads of homework.
I have thought about
this a lot in the past years, as I have become a (private) teacher
and assign my students homework… I mean practicing… each week. I
haven’t heard the complaining (if any) that happens at home when it
is time to practice, but I have heard many excuses over the years as
to why the student didn’t practice last week:
- my brother had a
birthday party
- my friends came
over to play
- I had to study
for my Spanish test
And it all comes
down to priorities. Perhaps the high school kids that complained
about homework and tests weren’t prioritizing their school work and
grades, and wanted things to be just a bit easier. And perhaps the
students that make excuses week after week haven’t put practicing
in the top of their priorities.
I’m not saying
that every student needs to put their music studies as their #1
priority, but if you are:
paying money for private lessons;
taking time to get to and from lessons;
wanting to learn how to play that instrument;
practicing, or “going
home and playing your instrument,” should
be in your top 2-4
know it can be difficult
to make practicing part of a routine. I
have been teaching my 9-year-old daughter and some months, our
practice calendar is very
(She puts a sticker on each day that she practices.) We
especially did not practice much the month or two after our move.
So I followed one of my own tips from my post, “5 Ways to get Practicing into your Routine,” put a reminder alarm on my phone,
and now
are doing much better!
as a teacher, I am not thinking that “my class is the most
important” when I ask my students to practice and make it a
priority; I am simply trying to help them succeed at the task of
learning to play their instrument. I know that frequent, regular
practice will be the shortest path to success for them. Making
practice a priority takes planning and perseverance, but it is worth
it when your child confidently plays their pieces and is excited to
key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule
your priorities.”
R. Covey, American author and businessman, and author of “The 7
Habits of Highly Effective People.”
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Monday, November 25, 2019
6 Ways to Help your Child have the Best Lesson Ever
In certain
organizations for boys and girls, they learn to “Be Prepared.”
What are some ways to help your child be prepared for their
lesson each week?
Image by Valéria Rodrigues Valéria from Pixabay
1. Make sure they
practice after their lesson (the same day) or the very next day at
the latest. (You knew there was something coming about practicing,
didn’t you!)
2. Make sure they
practice 5-7 days in between lessons. Seriously, this will help
them so much.
The day of their lesson, make sure they have had a snack and have
used the bathroom within an hour beforehand.
Be on time or a little early to their lesson so they don’t feel
If lessons are held in your home (teacher travels to you) have them
warm up on their songs in the 10-15 minutes before teacher comes
over. No TV or video games during that time!
Before leaving the house, help them make sure they have all of their
books. The teacher may not have a second copy handy.
If teacher comes to your house, have your books out and ready to go
when they arrive!
Speak positively about their
upcoming lesson. Your positive attitude will rub off onto them!
and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you
believe of them.” Lady Bird Johnson, former First Lady of
the United States.
Image by Valéria Rodrigues Valéria from Pixabay
Monday, November 18, 2019
5 Ways to get Practicing into your Routine
Sometimes we know we
need to do something; it’s just doing
it is
the tricky part.
are some tips to help you get practicing into your routine.
Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to practice. On any given
day, I have 4-6 alarms that go off to remind me to do something. It’s
nice having an “extra brain” to help me remember things!
Put your piano/music stand/practicing area in an obvious place in the
house. Seeing it frequently helps to remember to practice.
Don’t have your piano in a place where kids are nervous to be
alone, like the basement or a lonely room or back closet. Letting
them practice in a well-lit, pleasant room will help them want to practice more.
Keep their music open on the piano or music stand.
For some instruments such as guitar and violin, you can get mounted wall hangers. Having the instrument “out”
can make it easier for some to see it and go practice.
(Image from amazon.com)
“Attach” practicing to something that happens everyday; meals,
for example. Put a note on
the fridge to remind your student (and yourself) that practicing
happens right before or after dinner, or as soon as they get home
from school.
Make sure practicing happens before the fun begins. So before they go
to their friend’s house, go to sports/dance/etc, or play video
games or watch TV, get that practicing in. Treat music practice like
homework, and make sure it gets done first.
Make a practicing calendar and put it somewhere you will see it
frequently. Let your student put a sticker on each day they practice.
It will be motivating for
them to see how much work they have done, or how much more they need
to do! You can even give them a prize for practicing a certain number
of days per week or month, as long as it is enough according to the
teacher’s policy. (Don’t reward them for practicing 1-2 days if
the teacher wants them to practice 5-6 days.)
never change your life until you change something you do daily. The
secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” John
C. Maxwell, American author, speaker, and pastor.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Help, Don't Handicap
If you have a young
pianist in your home, you may have seen those stickers that can be
put on the keys, which tell which note is which. They are supposed to
help. But they don’t. Oh,
they do at first. The child confidently puts their hands on the
labeled C’s and G’s and plays the pieces like a professional. But
if they play on a non-labeled piano, they are lost at sea. (No pun
intended!) I had a family that took lessons for months on their
labeled piano, but it wasn’t until I insisted on taking the labels
off that they actually learned the patterns and where the notes were.
Another student had labeled keys, done by an older family member who
was also trying to learn to play. Not surprisingly, this student
didn’t do well on my non-labeled piano during lessons.
(Photo retrieved from amazon.com)
stickers and labels are HANDICAPS, not HELPS.
of memorizing the pattern of 2- and 3-black key groups and their
surrounding white keys, the student reads the letters and
totally ignores the black keys. But if they go play a different piano
with no labels, suddenly they have no idea what they are doing. At
Grandma’s house trying to play her a song? Out of luck. At a
recital on a different piano? Cue the freeze and panic. Please
don’t do that to your child!
finally, don’t do what this teacher encountered:
not ever write on the keys! (Photo by Alicia John; used by permission.)
the keys clean and pristine. If your child has trouble remembering
note names of the keys, practice naming them each day with your
child. There will be a graphic somewhere in their book, or look on
the internet. Treat it like a spelling test- they just need daily
not handicap your children by making their lives easy.” Robert A.
Heinlein, American author, engineer, and Naval officer.
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