Friday, April 3, 2020

Keeping Skills Sharp During Coronavirus Times

While we are in this pandemic, your child may or may not be taking lessons. Some teachers have dived into the world of teaching online (I am!) while some others are taking a complete break.

Here are some tips on keeping those hard-earned skills sharp, even if you are not currently taking lessons:

1- schedule time each day to have your student sit and play. Have them play their old songs they have already passed off, or have them make up their own music!

2- have a family Zoom recital, where anyone can perform anything they want! Readings, poetry, magic tricks, and your child's music would make a fun family-and-friends online event!

3- have your child teach you how to play their instrument. They would love being the teacher and know-it-all for once!

4- for those with mobile instruments, get some pieces ready and go perform from your front porch. Music can lift the spirits like nothing else.

5- Google "printable music games." There are so many fun options available!

Stay safe everyone! We teachers can't wait to teach your kids again when this is all over!

Image by Bairyna from Pixabay